Resilience Rideouts.
Riding motorcycles and Talking about Resilience

Resilience Rideouts

  • History

    It all began with an idea. A love of motorcycles, combined with a passion for resilience. Along with a resistance to sitting in traditional conference venues watching endless PowerPoint presentations. This started the idea to combine the enjoyment of riding motorcycles and talking about resilience.

  • Rideout Conference 2024

    Our Resilience conference with a difference. We ride our bikes between workshops and guest speakers. We pick a location and take 2-3 days. We split into break out groups each day to help professional networking. Followed by an evening meal with guest speakers.

  • Rideout monthly

    The monthly Resilience Rideout for Resilience professionals.
    We meet up once a month afterwork to ride for a few hours and talk about the problems in resilience that we are finding and how to solve them. Mostly ridding out of London to different areas. If you are interested in joining us contact us.

  • 1:1 Training

    On or off the bike we can offer individual training to suit you and your resilience needs.

Resilience Rideout 2024

Just a very brief highlight real of the 2024 Rideout, if you want to come along on the next Rideout sign up now.